SB16 Drivers for WinNT 3.5 This is the release for Windows NT3.5 Sound Blaster 16 drivers. It includes new version of all .ACV files, .CSP code, CSPMANNT.DLL, CSPMANNT.SYS, SB16SND.DLL and SB16SND.SYS. The new wave drivers - SB16SND.SYS and SB16SND.SYS supports Wave, Midi, FM, WSS, AUX. The driver supports VIBRA and SB16 Chipset sound card. The compression and decompression only work with SB16 card with CSP chip. To install the drivers, 1. Create a C:\SB16\CSP directory. Copy all the .CSP code into this directory. 2. Activate the Control Panel. Choose the "System" application. Update the "System Environment Variables" with "sound=C:\SB16". This is to allow the CSPMANNT.DLL to look for the CSP code to be downloaded. 3. Under Control Panel, Activate the "Drivers" application. Delete any previously install Sound Blaster drivers. 4. Insert the diskette that stored the oemsetup.inf file. 5. Choose the "Add" button in "Drivers" to add in the SB16 drivers. This installation will also install CSPMANNT drivers at the same time. Select the "Unlisted or Updated Driver" option. "Creative Sound Blaster 16" will appear. User will be prompted to select the SoundBlaster baseport first and follow by DMAs IRQ and MPU401 setting. All the .SYS files will be copied into C:\WINNT35\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS directory and .ACV and .DLL files will go into C:\WINNT35\SYSTEM32 directory. At the end of the installation user will be asked to reboot the system.